Men's Match Result
Grade: C Special 4 | Round: 02 |
Home Team: Essendon | Away Team: Hillside |
Player 1: Emergency 1 | Player 1: Glavan, Lou |
Player 2: Brown, Adam | Player 2: Pengelly, Simon |
Player 3: Devereux, Tony | Player 3: Thomas, Chris |
Player 4: De Fazio, Tony | Player 4: Lambevski, Bob |
Home Emergencies: Marcus Meier   |
Away Emergencies:   |
Set 1 (1+2) | 3   | 6   |
Set 2 (3+4) | 6   | 5   |
Set 3 (1+3) | 6   | 4   |
Set 4 (2+4) | 0   | 0   |
Set 5 (1+4) | 2   | 6   |
Set 6 (2+3) | 6   | 3   |
Total |   |   |
Winning Team: Draw
Comments: Due to a player having a hard attack on the next door court, Tony Devereux (Essendon CS4) and a doctor (tennis player unknown) needed to give CPR to revive a tennis player at Essendon Tennis Club. After his breathing and heart rate failed a defibulator from Essendon tennis club was used but failed due to no charge, a second defibulator from the football club recovered his heart. Further CBR was undertaken and recovered his breathing. Emergency services arrived about 10:20pm. Both teams agreed to call a draw considering the circumstances and current scores. Feel free to give me a call for any further assistance.